This post may get a little vulgar with sexual issues/content (I guess?), so I'm warning you now....
If you're still reading, that means you are OK to talk about something that is rarely talked about....INFERTILITY. Why is it that growing up we were scared straight by our parents about the doom and gloom of SEX! My parents made me feel like I could get pregnant by just looking at a boy! Even sitting next to a boy gave me the heebie jeebies because I didn't want any parts of popping out any babies via the way of breathing the same air as that boy. 

Essentially, school and home drilled into us the idea that if you have unprotected sex, then you will instantly get pregnant. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not as easy as society or our families make it seem.
Prior to becoming a wife I could care less about my future, creating a family, and what my future husband might want as far as children go.
Once marriage was on my radar, as with most women, my fertility concerned me. I went to my Gynecologist and took a few tests to make sure everything was good. Upon receiving my results, the doctor saw low levels of something (I wasn't paying attention as the time...don't know the name. Terrible I know!!!). The doctor even mentioned the possibility of PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). I was floored. I had no idea what PCOS was, but when I researched it a bit more, I learned that it prevented some women from getting pregnant EASILY.
Notice the capitalization of EASILY. PCOS is not a death sentence because people are still able to get pregnant, (even with that diagnosis) it'll just be more work. I don't know if I have PCOS 100% because the doctor said she saw signs of it, but I do know that GOD has the final say so about popping out babies. I'll do my "baby dancing" with my husband and shittttt, I'll enjoy it. I will be proactive though and give myself a fighting chance.
I recently purchased a fertility tea from a company called Pink Stork and used it for a month. Reviewers have mentioned or given credit to this tea for getting them pregnant within 1 or 2 months. I'm not saying I expect a tea to get me pregnant *side eye* but it can't hurt. I have also been taking prenatal vitamins to get my body ready for a mini human inside of me and I'm also getting ready to leave the alchohol for a little bit (If you know me, you know this hurts). F*ck! Hopefully *smile* all of those things will encourage one brave sperm soldier to swim on home to mamma's egg.
So ladies.....have you used this tea? Have your heard of this tea? Give me the TEA!!!!!! See what I did there? Hahaha! Any hoodle, I will keep you guys posted!!!!!