Wow this is crazy. I last published something on this blog two years ago. I'm sorry. I know, I abandoned you after I let you alllll the way in. I'm an awful person and I get it. Well where we last left off I was going through a breakup and as you can see that's no longer the case. The long relationship I was trying to get over actually turned into a marriage and I'm no longer the bitter Betty that I was in my last post. I've been married for about 5 months now, so it's still pretty fresh. The planning of the wedding was a stressful headache and if any of you are looking for tips...stay tuned.
And to answer the question everyone is dying to ask when they find out you are a newlywed ......NO I'M NOT PREGNANT AND NO WE AREN'T TRYING. Lmao. GIVE ME PEACE!
For real though....married life is cool. It's like a never ending sleep over with your best friend. You can't beat that. My interests are all over the place now. In my hiatus I've picked up photography and gaming as hobbies. When I say gaming I mean SIMS 4....but I digress. I'm learning how to cook, clean, and be domesticated (which is HARD WORK). Living with my mom had me spoiled as hell and I had no idea what it took to make a house a home. It's not easy being a wife. The adjustment of living for someone else and doing things to keep afloat as a unit. Whew! The stress honey! As difficult as it is, I'm so grateful to have found my other half and all of this is worth it. I could write a book at this point in my life, but for now I guess blogger will be my outlet. Lol.

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