Equality wasn't something far fetched and because we turned the other cheek like Dr. King instructed us to, look at how far we have come. There is a black man in office, gays are no longer taboo, everyone can vote, women can participate in government, and my future son knows that he can be somebody.
During my last semester of school I remember doing a paper on Dr. King and getting so emotional. I read his autobiography written/edited by Clayton Clairborne, and I tell you that is the most I have cried while reading any piece of literature. I connected with Dr. Kings letters, the stories of how blacks were tormented, humiliated, and made to feel inferior. After I finished his autobiography I thanked the lord for the people (women, children, college students) who put their lives at stake in order to really and truly obtain FREEDOM. I then thought of Obama who didn't use this accomplishment of being "the first black president" as something to divide us, instead he used it as something to bring us TOGETHER.
So here is to you Barack Obama.....And here is to you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Thank You For Paving The Way.
America, The Land of The Free.