December 18, 2009

Lets Catch Us Some Fish...*Shrugs*

Researchers have found that there are simple things anyone can do to appear more appealing.You Will Need:

Aromatherapy, Smiles, Eye contact, Hand gestures, White teeth, Good posture, Name dropping, Red clothes (optional)

Step 1: Harness the power of aromatherapy: To appear younger, wear a grapefruit scent. To appear thinner, wear a spiced floral scent. These olfactory tricks can make people perceive you as six years younger and 12 pounds slimmer.

Step 2: Smile!When you see someone you find attractive, give them a big smile. It will make them find you appealing, too. Anthropologists believe it’s because we’re biologically primed to prefer people who seem to be interested in us.

Step 3: Make eye contact. British researchers found that if someone looks us straight in the eye, we find them more attractive than people who avert their gaze.

Step 4: Use your hands when you talk. People who make a lot of gestures when they’re speaking are perceived as younger, more exciting, and more vibrant than less animated folks. If you’re a woman, wear red. Studies show men are subconsciously more attracted to a woman in red.

Step 5:Get your teeth whitened. People with pearly whites are perceived to be more attractive and more successful than people with dull or stained choppers.

Step 6: Stand up straight. Good posture instantly makes you look taller and thinner.

Step 7: Name drop. When you’re talking to someone, drop their name into the conversation occasionally. When people hear their name, the reward center of their brain lights up, and those good feelings are projected onto you. Just don’t do it too much, or it will come across as disingenuous.

I Found This On Another Site...Try It Out Guys! I Know I Will!

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